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London 1959 by Sergio Larrain

¥8,845 ¥7,080
In London 1959 we get to see a fast-moving city. A city in the midst of profound change. Larrain spent the winter of 1958 in London and dedicated his time to capture its streets, its people and its activity. The result is a collection of haunting images in black and white. The images reveal the birth of a new London; post-war London. Larrain captures the deep class divisions, the changes of fashion, the new youth and the everyday life of Londoners entering the Sixties. Further, these are the images that put Larrain into Magnum, after Henri Cartier-Bresson saw them. The book also features a text by the late Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño—written in 1999 specifically to accompany these images—as well as a new essay by Agnès Sire, artistic director of Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson, detailing Larrain’s stay in London.
Pages : 176 pages
Size : 25.5×19.5cm (hardcover)