BOOKS & CARDS  |  viction:ary

BRAND Life (Boutique Hotels & Hostels)

Boutique hotels are on the rise, offering stylish stays for all budgets. These contemporary lodgings aim to be more than just a place to sleep; they're social hubs, galleries, and gateways to local culture. Some aspire to be attractions themselves, providing unique hideaways for travelers. "BRANDLife: Boutique Hotels & Hostels" explores how these establishments prioritize branding and interiors in their business concepts, seen in their furniture, wayfinding systems, and visual identities. Through case studies, showcases, and interviews, readers gain insight into how these visionaries connect with global customers and dominate the market.
Pages:279 pages
Based in the heart of Asia, Victionary connects creative talents and enthusiasts worldwide through strong original concepts, captivating graphic approaches, and innovative printing techniques. They are dedicated to providing fresh perspectives, design inspiration, and the pure joy of visuals to creative individuals and curious minds, harnessing the power of print.