The Hidden Tree by Julian Zerressen

Photo art print by Julian Zerressen exclusively for The Poster Club. He captures the fleeting beauty of everyday moments that pass by unnoticed, drawing inspiration from brief encounters and fleeting interactions on the streets, and preserving them in photographs.
Material : 265g high-quality art paper
Origin : Denmark
Gift Wrapping Service : Unavailable
・Frame is not included.
・Packed and shipped in a protective tube.
・The image used may differ from the actual size and layout.
Julian Zerressen, a Munich native born to a French mother and a German father, weaves together diverse cultures and a deep love for photography. He spent childhood weekends amidst the tranquil beauty of the Alps, where the silent solitude of the mountains served as an unending source of inspiration. While Germany provided fertile ground for outdoor adventures, the cultural allure of Italy was just a stone's throw away, igniting his passion for exploration through his camera lens.